So great you could come for a visit, Ken! I really think you and JJ made the most of your trip: ).
Here's how it all happened:
11AM - Started my morning standing in a room full of smelly guys of all sizes wearing white and running back and forth on a gray panel, attached to a wire, no less, with a long sabre = yes, that's right, fencing! Went to see Jerry L. do his thing against US Olympians and the bunch, and it was such a neat experience! Thanks for inviting me, Jerry!
8PM - I enjoyed the afternoon, and then we all met up for dinner at Ippudo! I've heard such good things but never had a chance to go. It was quite an experience, much in part to having to wait 2 hours before getting seated! But, no worries, because the "it was life changing". I think I ate it too quick b/c I was so hungry haha, but it was good! (grabbed some photos from Ken's fb album too: ).
While we waited though, we enjoyed Momofuku's Milk Bar, where my new friend Steven hooked us up with soft serve, cereal milk, and each of the cookies! Delicious!
11PM - Ended the night at my favorite drink/lounge place, Wine Bar near St. Marks!
One more breakfast on their last day! Met up at Essa-A-Bagel, "The Best Bagels in NY".