Wednesday, July 15, 2009

[NYColor Giveaway]: 2 Free Vouchers - AMNH "Extreme Mammals" and More!

It's time for an NYColor Giveaway = 2 Free Vouchers - American Museum of Natural History - "Extreme Mammals" and More (a $48 value)! Yahoo!

A friend of mine used to work at the museum and gave me a pair of vouchers to see the new exhibit "Extreme Mammals", plus 2 of the other special exhibits (like Whoopi Goldberg talking to you about stars--cool yea?: ). I got to see it already over the weekend (see previous post for all the fun!), so I want to give it away to one of you (expires on 8/9, so you have to go soon!)

Leave a COMMENT below with your 1. name, 2. email, and...3. favorite ice cream! It is National Ice Cream month, after all. I will put everyone's name in a bag and pick a winner on next Wed July 22!

Thanks for playing!