- SAT 3/3
- Ends Today: Japan Week! Celebrate Japanese food and culture @ Grand Central Terminal. Yum! [website]
- 5-11pm: BK Museum Target Free Saturday, "Fierce, Phenomenal Women". Enjoy live music, art, dance, FREE! [website].
- DATE IDEA: Watch 5 Oscar-winning movie The Artist at Nitehawk Cinema in W'burg with food and drink in hand [website] : )
- Renttherunway.com sample sale = dress heaven! I love dressing up...so I'm going back for more tomorrow. Up to 95% off designer dresses. Seriously. [250 5th Ave bet 28 and 29th; Sat 11am-6pm, Sun 11am-3pm] - stop by Ktown after for a meal: )
- Jim Henson's Fantastic World @ Museum of Moving Image in Queens, $12 - Oh Kermy! [website]
- 10a-5pm: NYC Vegetarian Food Festival - veggies deserve some lovin' too! And we like free samples! [$5 gen admission tix at the door, Metropolitan Pavilion - 125 W 18th St. website]
psst. party themes on my mind: sock hop, ice cream social, black tie - yay: )
Have fun!