Thursday, November 10, 2011


Yes - of course we will need to celebrate this "ones upon a time"* (only happens every 100 years!) event of 11/11/11 @ 11:11 (am and pm!) - and why not celebrate with the "ones" you love?

Like this couple who's celebrating their 11th anniversary on 11/11/11 in the 11th state - which is New York, naturally!  We really should just do what they have planned:
  • 11:11am Brunch at 11th St Cafe on 11th St
  • Watch Titanic and/or Lord of the Rings, which both won 11 Academy Awards
  • 11:11pm Dinner at Gene's on 11th St and Greenwich
Other reasons to get excited about this day**:
  • 111111 x 111111 = 12345654321 
  • Last 2 digits of the year you were born + Your Age = 111 - lucky money for everyone, Confucius says (thanks for sharing, Brittany B.)
  • You are allowed to make 2 wishes - 11:11am and 11:11pm 
  • It's the 93rd anniv of Armstice Day (aka Veteran's Day), the last day of WWI.  There's a 1 min moment of silence at 11am.
  • The "Great Blue Norther" took place on 11/11/1911 - a "cold snap" in Kansas City that went from a high of 76 degrees F in the morn to 11 degrees F at night - in only 14 hrs!
  • The star Antares, Earth, Venus, and Mercury are all expected to align - what's known as a conjunction.
Have a great time!

*phrase by retired HS teacher Ronald Gordon - see article
**"World Set to Celebrate 11.11.11"